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Party Organization Conducting Party Day Activity to Celebrate the 99th Anniversary of the Founding o
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On July 1, 2020, the 99th?anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party member representatives of Maxvision Technology Corp. conducted?the thematic party day activity ”Celebrating the 99th?Anniversary of the Founding of CPC”, reviewed the glorious history of the party, praised the party's great achievements, and further inspired party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs.



Presided over by Luo Fuzhang, secretary of the CPC Party branch committee of Maxvision Technology, this party day activity aims?to review the development history of CPC, to sense the true meaning and power from studying CPC?and national history, and to urge party members to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the party. In addition, we can draw lessons from the process of party building, actively integrate party building with the company's production and operation management, and improve the work efficiency of party members.



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At the meeting, Luo organized to study the “Historical Enlightenment of Great Achievements in the Past 99 Years”, further explained to the representatives of party members the advanced theories obtained in the great development process of CPC, clarified and emphasized the historical mission of the party in the new era, and indicated that CPC?has created a new China and made achievements. As a member of CPC?in the new era, Luo said?that, we must always keep our mission in mind and continue to promote the excellent style and quality of CPC, and it is necessary to strengthen the organic integration of party building and enterprise management, promote the smooth progress of?democratic decision-making?in the company, and further provide correct guidance on the company's standardized management.?

盛视党建动态|AGGAME·(中国区)党组织开展庆祝建党99周年主题党日活动? ? ??

Party Member Representatives Studying Theoretical Knowledge Attentively

At the end of the meeting, Luo emphasized that we must continue to consolidate?the knowledge and theory about CPC, learn from General Secretary Xi’s important speech of “staying true to our founding mission”, and based on work and living, loyally perform duties, and better serve the people, carry out work and study, continuously improve ideological awareness and personal abilities. In addition, we?shall?play a pioneering role of Communist Party members in works, constantly learn new technologies, develop new products, improve product quality, and provide customers with more dedicated services.


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Shenzhen Liantang Port Site



Shenzhen Futian Free Tax Zone

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Zhuhai Port

The CPC adheres to its original aspiration and assumes its mission. After the outbreak of epidemic, CPC had?bravely assumed the banner of the times, stood on the front line of danger, overcame difficulties, and led the Chinese people to “fight against the epidemic” together. Not?afraid of danger and the epidemic, all party members of Maxvision Technology actively develop “anti-epidemic” products, stick to the front line, safeguard the?national security by assisting in?“the fight against epidemic”. At this moment, stationed in Shenzhen Port and other ports across the country, the first-line employees of Maxvision Technology provide customers with the most intimate service in line with the concept of making customers comfortable and rest assured.

On the occasion of the founding of CPC, Maxvision Technology?pays?tribute to the party, and?actively promotes the coordinated development of party building and enterprise management, gives play to the exemplary role of party members, , and further promotes the improvement of modern management level of the enterprise?by integrating?party building?standardization into enterprise management.?