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Maxvision port products enabled compatriots backing from the disaster-hit region to go home quickly
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Maxvision port products enabled compatriots backing from the disaster-hit region to go home quickly


On April 26, 2015, Nepal suffered an earthquake of magnitude 8.1. After the disaster, the Chinese government carried out rescue quickly to take back the Chinese citizens in Nepal, which was praised by Chinese people. Our high-tech product, multi-functional intelligent inspection platform, helped Chengdu’s border inspection station take back the Chinese citizens in Nepal quickly.?


Passengers backing from Katmandu passed through the border inspection station in Shuangliu International Airport (source: http://www.xinhuanet.com)



Our product in the picture is our multi-functional intelligent inspection platform. In addition to Shuangliu International Airport, the ports in Nyalam, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Zhuhai, Tibet, Chongqing, Guiyang, Nanning, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shenyang and some other places all used our smart customs clearance products for ports, enabling the compatriots to back from the disaster-hit region quickly.



With multiple practical functions, the multi-functional intelligent inspection platform is designed based on conventional identity document inspection counters according to the ergonomics standard. It can be customized with multiple digital functions. It has granted a patent certificate. It helps inspectors check the identity documents of passengers quickly and accurately by means of information comparison at reception desk and automatic identity check with help of one-click intelligent control, biometric identification, image analysis and special face recognition algorithm. It can be used with a intelligent seal cabinet to realize whole-process tracking and monitoring for inspection seals.



Based on nearly two decades of experience in port construction, We now have mature and professional hardware and software development teams. Our multi-functional intelligent inspection platform is now successfully used in lots of ports of China and is popular among passengers and user entities.


